Saturday, March 10, 2012

Raw Milk Petition


As I have stated over recent posts and blogs, I've been working on a petition. The end target is FSANZ - the endeavour to have them re-address their 2011 review of the sale of raw dairy products in Australia.

Their outcome is just as surely flawed, as it is biased. There was seemingly no consideration given to the health benefits of cow's milk, in its unproccessed state. The life threatening health risks can be considered no greater than that incurred when consuming many of our daily foods.

In a democracy, don't we at least deserve the right to choose the dairy products we purchase and consume. During FSANZ's review, the general public were invited to lodge submissions, regarding their preference to purchase raw milk. I am yet to speak to anyone who was personally aware of this invitation.

The intention of the petition is to create a level of awareness at federal level (through FSANZ), as to the true extent of public sentiment surrounding the RAW MILK debate. For this to achieve any positive outcome, the sharing and support of this concept needs to be of 'epic proportions'!

Seriously - while I'm thrilled with nearly 250 signatures in 3 days....we'll need 10's of thousands, if not in excess of 100,000, to get the attention required!


  1. Signed, tweeted & shared on Facebook.
    AND....LOVE that photo!

  2. Are they going to ban the wonderful cheeses that can ONLY be made from raw dairy milk?
